Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's probabally from lack of sleep...

Cat of mine..from where did you come? .The same fat black ball of dander that I couldn't convince to walk into a 9th floor hallway has decided that I can't have coffee on the veranda without him. Don't get me wrong...he can torture and eat an insect with abandon, which makes hims of particular use when you live on the ground floor. I'll call him the Paris Hilton of the Ohio Valley.

Nancy, the love of my life, and Maximus never really shared that much in common 'til we dragged his butt this far West. Now, I think they're sharing toothbrushes. He has this unnerring sense of time that wakes her an hour early...which would be cool but, his howls wake me up before her.

I'm fairly convinced he thinks he still has testicles. When I first met this little shit, he was 6 weeks old, with serious fleas and a particular ferocious breed of ear mites. Thanks out to veterniarians everywhere, I saved my first animal. He seems to have forgotten from whence he came.

So, yeah, I'm still allergic to the dick-smoke, yeah, he eats too much and pukes on the carpet, yeah, Nancy plays MMA with the poor dude and leaves him to me when he's all pissed off.

I can't believe he's 8 years old...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flip-flops and Zen

My wife bought me some flip-flops...she says they are the most comfortable fashion statement you could possibly make. Hate to differ, love, but I'm getting a blister next to my big toe. And she bought em at Old Navy...insult to injury...true I know I'm frugal, but we gotta draw the line somewhere.

She also bought me some shorts that will never see the light of day. Good looking shorts (I love cargo looking stuff), but my beatup legs have long outlasted their public consumption days.

Nancy, give me a call if this shows up on your phone alerts...I'm such a dinosaur

Saturday, July 9, 2011


There comes a time in your life when you have to admit you don't know shit...

This state is a comundrum (first and last time I've written that word and I'm pretty sure I spelled it wrong).

It's a conflux of cornfields and suburbia and neither knowing what to make of each other. My initial thoughts on the state were so far from the mark.'s beautiful...I can understand why my wife said, "You have no idea." Second...the people here are so down to earth, enough so that, that at least in Columbus, I remember another Columbus far to the south that bred the same home grown geniality.

It's gonna take awhile to get used to the weather. It's either pouring rain or the sun beats on you like an older sibling. No mountains or hills, really, just an expanse of of rich soil. And that is something the textbooks you read in school never tell you. But, Nancy did and she was right as usual.

In Ohio, there's Cleveland, Cinncinatti, Toledo and Akron. Then there's Columbus..this Cap city trying to figure out where it belongs. Burgeoning art scene, way too many festivals, and a growing sense of political importance are either defining or rending this town.

Nancy used to get annoyed at me for harping on her about being safe in D.C. Hate to say it, but I think the murder rate here may be on par with my old stomping grounds. I used to say that the drivers in the mid-west had to be better. Wrong again. With every growing city comes growing pains and this place isn't immune.

I guess i'm trying to say that this place is no better or worse than where I came from. Variations on livability will be discussed ad nauseum...I'm just glad I have the person to guide me through this.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

For the wife I love so strongly..

Why you continue to to tolerate me mystyfies me. I have never felt this weak and miniscule in my lifetime and I'd opt not to feel it again. You study the bible and I fear I could never understand what you grasp. And, so, I watch history, government..current event programs to try to keep you interested. I still come up short.

I'm pretty confident you don't know I've re started this blog...this is ours...not to be shared.

I Love you