Thursday, November 24, 2011

Scentsys and the art of motorcyc....never mind..

Happy, warm and fulfilled Thanksgiving day to all who will never see this. For those that do, same applies and more. But I ain't holding my breath.

One should never try to write when best you seem an idiot. At worst, you make enemies, though that was never the intention.

Ya'll ready for the rant?

'Kay, then...after 25 years in restaurants, I found myself watching industry shows on national and cable television. These same personalities on these shows are as pompous, as they are talented. At 48; I find these gentlemen have a lot of baggage. I'm no better. But I'm making a good deal less money

Questionable writing talent. Lack of decency when dealing with others.

Andrew, as you shall be referred to, drug use is worthy of note if you honestly care to enlighten others without trying to to portray yourself as a '80s rebel with a cause. I've tried or practiced all of the drugs you refer to and never found them to be a point of inspiration.

George? My wife and I argue about this, but you are a talented cockknocker. These people you invite to cook for you, and you methodically shoot them down...that's TV, right? Or is that something a little deeper? My mom was married three times before I was twelve years old and you don't want to know the physical abuse I've seen, mostly involving my mom. Nuff said . So...Michelin Stars fading...sad that never mind.

Andrew? Saw the first "Layover". Answer this: Why do you and George never take swipes at each other? I'm not a writer, not remotely close to a journalist or even worthy of a neighborhood newsletter...but, your material is getting stale and, I believe; even you know that. This Hunter Thompson shit's gonna piss someone off sooner or later. (P.S. ..when you're not trying to describe a countrysides beauty, why not enjoy and describe their food without referring to the same old tag lines of yours.)

Not done yet here, George. This is my Thanksgiving gift to you both. Ya both have the life expenctacies of flies, media wise. Rachel Ray and Bobby Flay will outlast you. Curious how?

My name's Rick away

They care what we think.


Anthony Bourdain
Gordon Ramsay